The Starting Student
To draw life
For a starting student the emphasis at the beginning will be on drawing. An object (or several objects) is selected to draw. We are in favour of immediately drawing life of a three-dimensional object. Converting the three dimensions of an object into a two-dimensional drawing is a bigger challenge. In the studio situation we have the time to take on this challenge.
“Le Cour de Dessin” by Charles Bargue
Copying a Bargue drawing, for example, is definitely not a bad idea, but not absolutely necessary. as a first step. I will recommend everyone to make at least a few Bargue drawings. “Le Cour de Dessin” by Charles Bargue was set up as a self study course any way. But that does not mean that the instructor will not guide if requested.
Intensive guidance
The instructor will intensively guide and advise the starting student.
The methods of comparative measurement will be taught. For achieving an accurate drawing in the right proportions comparative measurement is used.
The starting student then proceeds to draw a cast. A cast of a head or portrait will be a good preparation for working with a living model. Because we do not want to wait too long to draw a portrait or dressed model, it is more difficult, but it is also more exciting and therefore also motivating.
Life drawing from the model
Soon every day students practice life drawing from the model using the techniques being practiced in the still-life drawing and cast drawings.
The tonal values in a drawing are fairly objective, but the representation thereof is indeed personal.personal handwriting
Personal handwriting
The personal handwriting expressed in the rendering plays a major role and everyone will find their own way in this.
The students will be helped to produce a portfolio that will give them the opportunity to apply for a scholarship.
info scholarships
The Advanced Student
Daily atelier practice
The advanced student continues with the daily six hour atelier practice to further develop his skill and anchor it in his person. This is because only a lot of practice leads to the skills being acquired. The discipline of working every day is, above all, important. It is important to keep drawing a lot and to study the tonal values very closely. When the student has mastered the tonal values well, a start can be made with oil painting.
Oil painting
We immediately start with the full palette of twelve colours. It is recommended that you always use the same colours so that you can get to know them in their characteristics and behaviour.
Colour and tonality
Translating tonality into colour is the greatest conquest that must be achieved in the beginning. Also seeing colours in apparently fairly colourless things must be learned. The instructor provides expert feedback and is a guide to searching and seeing colour and to translating tone into colour.
Perception of colour
Experiencing and seeing colour is less objective than seeing the tonal values. Because there are personal characteristics of colour experience and preference, it is important for the student to recognise and expand on this.
Individuality and objectivity
In our curriculum, it is not the intention to shape everyone in a similar format. Only basic conditions must be met, such as, everything must be set up in a good proportion and a human figure must be maintained and anatomically justified.
Daily practice leads to inner discipline
Every day students practise life drawing or painting from the model utilising the techniques being practised in the still-life drawing. The moment the student is well on the way to painting in a still life situation, he can start painting a life model.
The further Advanced Student
Six hours of atelier practice daily
The further advanced student continues with the daily six hour atelier practice to further develop his skill in painting. The further study of drawing is recommended at the same time as painting. It is up to each individual to determine to what extent the emphasis on drawing studies is still maintained. The time of development in the learning process is different for everyone. Sometimes someone moves forward like a javelin and then comes to a halt with a blockage. Others are progressing slowly but steadily. Instruction and guidance therefore adapts to the individual student.
Freedom of choice
A solid foundation has been laid after three years of intensive study. The student is now in the position to make a plan for his future.
Become an instructor?
After successful completion of the full-time curriculum, a Diploma Certificate will be awarded. Customised training will be offered if the student shows interest in becoming an instructor.